Wednesday, October 17, 2018


the door slams behind me,
feet tripping over each other to get outside
cold air fingers through my hair,
wrapping me in its open arms
my breath releases into it,
fluid, haphazardly, weaving itself into the outside
reckless thing.
my sigh is taken painlessly from me,
and I feel icy fingers reaching down my throat,
prying open my fear,
eating at my sorrow,
peeling me open to reveal only the softest parts,
I close my eyes.

its never really dark,
my veins dancing behind my eyes,
movement threatening me even behind eyelids,
colors bubbling underneath and kissing my pupils
my chest rises with the wind, organs pressing
against my ribs, asking to be freed,
pleading for liberation,
a purpose,

my eyes blink open as shards of grass prick my skin,
the breath slipping out of my stomach and back,
into the world where it came from but
somehow different,
transformed but invisible,
escaping constraints that once held it down
joining the musical strands that make up the atmosphere.

“take me with you,” I cry,
but its taken my voice with it
and left nothing but emotion,
raw, manipulative feelings that
constrict my heart and pump my blood
faster, faster,
until all I can feel is love,
and I dissolve into it as my hair falls to my shoulders
and I trap my breath in my throat.

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