Monday, July 08, 2019


keep it real keep it cool keep it calm

my hands are at my sides but my head is in my heart; I'm never sure what to think about it but I'm telling myself to take it at face value. I'm never sure what I want, I'm sure for a moment and then you wrap yourself around me like some sort of hypnotic snake--scaly, enticing, poisonous. Venom like sweet syrup dripping down my throat, slowly, so I'm part of you, but enough to rot my insides one organ at a time.


You're lying and I can tell, you're a con-artist with no perceivable goal. Trading weapons with yourself, you're stuck in business with no profit and you're dragging yourself slowly down and taking me with you. I trust you, and I'm foolish for it. Quiet, please, leave me alone,

leave     me     alone

numbers adding up, slowing down, what for, who am I trying to please, what is pleasure and what do I want? Your appetite is eating me, chewing away at my skin until I become what? what do you want? I'm not sure if I can be good enough for you, I just want you to be happy...

1 2  5  9 14  19  26  31  40     45

hoo-ah hoo-ah I need your help and I can't live without you