Monday, November 07, 2011

just assume for a minute

This is what you feel like when you have only gotten
Four hours of sleep
Because of that wretched, wretched smoke detector
that seems to detect smoke
when there is no smoke
With or without batteries;
whether or not it is in the ceiling. 

This is what you feel like when
coach says,
"You're simply not tall enough"
And you go to tryouts feeling like
There is no possible way.

This is what you feel like
When your starving.
And the lunch lady mumbles,
"Zero. Zero Dollars."

This is what you feel like 
when you open the door,
and its not him.
When you look at your phone,
and its a text from your mom.
When you see him and feel like
a complete loser because you can't think 
of anything to say; so you just smile.

This is what you feel like
when you wake up in the morning with
a big, obvious zit on your face.
You can't do anything about it
except for mope.

This is what you do when you think
you understand Physics
But you find out you are doing 
completely, utterly, disasterously

This could also possibly be what you feel like
when you drink 9 cups of hot chocolate
and are terrified to step on the scale.

This is what you feel like when you're
in debt, 
and without a clue.

This is what you feel like when your life is 
tumbling down the laundry chute
and nobody notices you
because your just a grungy old t-shirt
that is most likely too gross,
and filthy
to even be donated to DI.

This is what I feel like.

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