Saturday, October 05, 2019

back to the same place

I want you to know everything. 
This always happens, I don't know why I'm running myself in circles,
I don't know why I'm always distracted just long enough to derail myself,
and I come back to you every time.
I want to tell you how you made me try harder,
how your smile always makes me feel loved x1000,
and I'm a magnet when you're by my side
My brain is pulling on my heart-leash,
bruising it and suffocating it,
and all I want is to let it off and let it run free
but last time I did that you left it to the beasts
they almost nearly devoured it,
left it in a shredded bloody mess on the ground
and I ran to pick it up and heal it in solitude
but it's the same beating heart
with the same impulses,
and you can't teach an old heart new tricks--
I need a new heart but they are too expensive
and I'm okay with this one for now
Can you catch it when I let it loose?

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