maybe I'm too much of everything,
you ever thought of that?
maybe I give you too much credit,
maybe you think I have issues,
but maybe we all have issues and I'm the only one who wants to solve mine.
I never thought you thought my writing was too depressing.
I thought you loved me as I was,
crazy writing,
passion and all.
I guess I was wrong,
but I guess that's the optimism again.
I didn't know you were waiting for me to sleep before you could come back.
Psycho psycho me,
I'm a new adjective.
And while you’re out at the bar,
Lying to me every night,
Everyone says "good luck with her,"
Everyone says I'm overthinking,
but I guess I want to overthink rather than underthink,
to defend my friends rather than lose them,
to be on time rather than late,
to be reliable instead of spontaneous,
I want to radiate,
but everyone put their sunglasses on and they can't see how hard I'm trying.
I'm reaching out with every ray of light I have,
bursting with energy and motivation,
trying to burn out the scars from before,
and they're turning away,
whispering behind me about how ugly I'm becoming,
they wish I would harden and die,
any part of the star cycle has its faults and
that's all they see.
So I guess if I want to hang with the cool kids I've got to put the glasses on too,
pretend like I can't hear them,
pretend like they aren't poisoning me and each other,
pretend like the flames are under control,
It's not what I want.
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