Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Hi, I'm Kalli.
I just want to welcome you all out here today, I really appreciate you coming.
I'm here because, well I'm addicted to the internet.
I'm here because I think it will solve all my problems.
But in reality, it only creates them.
Its true what people say--
I have nothing better to do. (unless you count homework as better)

So, how's life?
How have you been?
Haven't seen you in years!
The truth is that I'm having some [serious] stress issues.
I've been making a lot of wishes at 11:11.

I think its high school. When you ask somebody, anybody, about high school, they'll most likely say either that it was the best time of their life, or the absolute worst. It doesn't take a miracle to figure out who hated it and who loved it.

Those more fortunate folks who are wishing they were in high school again were most likely the most popular. The prettiest. The ones who got asked to all the dances. The cheerleaders, the football stars. Probably [Chase Hansen] in 20 years.

The worst--lets be honest. Those kids who struggle to make friends. The awkward ones. The ones who don't have any athletic ability. The people who you don't even know their name and you have gone to school with them all your life. These kids are working their butts off to become doctors, and in 20 years, they'll be a lot happier than they are now.

Where do I fit in? Who knows. My high school life is mediocre. I'm not the most popular girl ever, but I can't say I'm the nerdiest either. Sure, I had perfect attendance this term. No big deal. I didn't win the iPod.

To be honest, I like myself. I think I'm pretty. The boys may not, but as long as I have my hair and my smile, I'll get along fine. I am usually [very] upset the days I don't get asked to dances {have I mentioned I haven't been asked to one yet?}, but it doesn't really matter in the long run. I'm taking AP classes for no reason, falling in love with boys who I won't remember in a couple years [Chase Hansen], and trying out for sports.
But, school just drives me bonkers anyway.

I can't say I've slept alone in weeks.
Because every night, I'm thinking.
Thinking about homework.
Thinking about boys. [not Chase Hansen]
Thinking about my future.
I can't leave myself alone.
I worry over clothes. 
I stress over past conversations.
I fret about Christmas presents.
I create alternate realities.
I become my dreams.
{which is scary considering the dreams I have}

I'm just a {super ordinary} girl with nothing but a red coat from DI, indian boots, and auburn hair.

{super ordinary}--(soo-per awr-dn-er-ee):
                 *wonderful, beautiful, unique, eccentric, half-hipster, smart, happy, imaginative, loquacious, crazy, insane, self-conscious, musical, extraordinary.

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