2. I quit my job.*
3. I got grounded.
4. I read Hunger Games. Again.**
5. I officially stopped doing my hair.
6. I stopped eating.***
7. I got a twitter...okay, I started writing on my twitter that is age old.
8. The circumference of a circle is..ACT Prep.****
9. I have gotten to the point where I could cry at any given moment.*****
10. I am inadequate.
*Okay, don't jump on my back about this. Truth is, I only went through a few days of training. But after a while, I realized that I simply couldn't handle it. I mean, sure, I want a job. But I don't need one. I felt I needed responsibility and money at the moment, but truth is, that is the last thing I need. I have too much of the previous and the latter will just have to wait. So, I'm going to work in the summer. So technically I didn't quit. I just postponed.
**Oh my gosh. How could I love Hunger Games more? I couldn't. I finished that whole dang book in less than 24 hours and could hardly call it wasting time. Can't wait for the movie, and can't believe I'm not going to the midnight premiere. Those of you who can go--you better go.
***I'm not anorexic. I just forget to eat. I'm not even hungry....Okay well I ate like a whole bag of movie theatre butter microwave popcorn the other day. That was pretty substantial.
****So scared for the ACT. I actually really shouldn't be on the computer right now...I really should be studying. Okay better wrap this up.
*****Sigh. Dread. Consider my last post--this is how I've been thinking and feeling for the past few weeks. In reference to #10, I'm simply inadequate. I do everything wrong. I can't understand physics and, just school. I don't understand this boy. I want to get asked to prom. I know I won't. Its okay. Just keep telling yourself that, right?